Saturday, March 5, 2011

Color Coordination Love

One of the things I like the most about Stampin' Up produts is the color coordination. I used to spend what seemed like hours trying to find paper, card stock, ink, and ribbons that would match. With Stampin'Up products I don'thave to worry about that any more. The company has done all the work for me. YEA! What a time saver!!! You can see how exactly they match their colors in the card below.
Click To Enlarge

I simply brayered a piece of 3 1/2" x 3 1/2" Whisper White with So Saffron and then stamped the palm (Plant Hope stamp set) in Basic Black.

I mounted this panel on a piece of Basic Black card stock, 3 3/4 "x 3 3/4", which was then adhered on the top 2/3's of the So Saffron card base. The final touch was punching a small strip of the black card stock with the "Pinking Hearts Border" punch and adhering it 1/2" below the panel.

I don't know about you, but I think that it is very difficult to tell the brayered yellow from the yellow card stock. Stampin'Up products are truly color coordinated!

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