Friday, May 13, 2011

Breast Cancer Fund Raiser - Strength & Hope

If you have been checking my blog, you know that I have not posted in a month. We had the death of a very dear sister due to cancer.

As it turns out Stampin'Up is raising money for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. They have created a beautiful stamp set called "Strength & Hope". The card below was made from it. The company will donate $2 for every set sold. And I will give what I make from the sales of this set to our Brune Cancer Center here in Fredericksburg.

So, this stamp set is a good investment in two ways. First, it helps in our fight against breast cancer. Secondly, it is a beautiful and versatile set that you will be able to use many times over.

Please forward this post to as many people as you can. The more of the stamp sets we sell the more we can fight this terrible disease!

All of the images,except for the "thank you", are from Strenght & Hope stamp set. The "thank you" is from Teeny Tiny Wishes".

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